Ranch Watch Designed to Safeguard Rural Areas

Preventing criminal activities in rural counties is the focus of the Ranch Watch program. Designed by retired Rio Blanco County Sheriff Phil Stubblefield in 1994, the program protects land and livestock owners, small businesses and rural residents.

Signage warning criminals that the Ranch Watch program is in place are a big part of the program. The trademarked Ranch Watch “handcuffs with eyes” logo sends a visual message that the area is under the watchful eye of neighbors, community members and the local sheriff ’s department. Reminding would-be trespassers that others are watching has proven to be a deterrent to criminal activity.

Beyond the signage, the program includes:
• An identification program for tack and equipment
• Ranch GPS coordinates for emergency medical fly-in
• A sheriff ’s webpage with information on fence, trespassing and livestock laws
• Training for sheriff ’s deputies in livestock/equipment theft investigation and prevention

Anyone interested in the Ranch Watch program should contact your local sheriff ’s department to start the program or receive permission for your organization to start the program in your county. For information, contact Ranch Watch at ranchwatch@juno.com.