Electric Co-op Explores Innovative Way to Generate Power

Geothermal resources are part of a pilot project established by United Power, an electric co-op headquartered in Brighton, and Transitional Energy, a geothermal developer. The project involves capturing waste geothermal resources from oil and gas operations in United Power’s territory and converting it to electricity.

Many oil and gas operators use traditional electric service to power drilling rigs and other pad equipment. United Power and Transitional Energy plan to offer a way to power oil and gas operations with 100% geothermal (renewable) energy. This will allow the oil and gas operations to offset their energy purchases and reduce their greenhouse gas footprint.

“Geothermal energy represents a huge untapped renewable resource that can reduce our reliance on power from other traditional sources,” said Dean Hubbuck, United Power’s chief energy resources officer in an article in Co-op News.