July 2024 Funny Stories


My husband Pete and I were returning from a neighboring town when I remembered I needed to stop for a few grocery items, including a Rocky Ford watermelon.

We pulled into the grocery store parking lot, and Pete occupied himself with a radio show in the car while I ran into the market.

With my groceries in the cart, I returned to the car, opened the front and back doors, and placed the watermelon, my purse, and my cell phone on the front seat. I put the remaining groceries on the back seat, closed both doors, and returned the cart to the corral.

Pete lost the sight in his right eye several years ago, and after he heard the doors close, he assumed I was in the car. He was still focused on the radio program he was listening to, and he proceeded to talk about it on the drive home.

After a short time with no response, he turned to look and saw just a watermelon in the passenger seat.

He immediately turned the car around and drove back to the store, where he found me with my hands on my hips, waiting out front.

I politely informed him that I couldn’t believe my eyes when I returned the grocery cart and saw him driving out of the parking lot! Pete has since decided it is not advantageous to converse with a watermelon.

Marlene Young,
Windsor Poudre Valley REA member

We pay $15 to each person who submits a funny story that is printed in the magazine. At the end of the year, we draw one name from the published stories, and that person will receive $200. Send your stories to Colorado Country Life, 5400 Washington Street, Denver, CO 80216, or email funnystories@coloradocountrylife.org. Remember to include your mailing address so we can send you a check!

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