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Photographic Book of Royal Gorge Restoration

This is a rare view of the underside of the bridge at the south tower.

The carousel had delighted families in the Park for 20 years. The fire burned off the colorful coatings on the carousel animals leaving the remaining fiberglass bodies so brittle they fell apart when moved.

The carousel had delighted families in the Park for 20 years. The fire burned off the colorful coatings on the carousel animals leaving the remaining fiberglass bodies so brittle they fell apart when moved.

Eve Nagode takes readers through a visual journey of the ruin, regrowth and restoration of the Royal Gorge after the 2013 fire in her photographic book Royal Gorge. The book lures readers with fascinating pictures of the charred remains of the area and the return of the wildlife, vegetation and park architecture. Nagode’s sense of her surroundings is profound, capturing the rebirth of the acclaimed park area throughout the seasons.

Buy a copy at for $17.95. Or, enter our July contest to win an autographed copy of Royal Gorge. Just email your name, address and phone number to Be sure to enter “Royal Gorge” in the subject line. We will choose a winner on Monday, July 18.

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