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February 2023 Funny Stories

Soon after moving to our home in the foothills, we were visited by a young lady named Kathy. She was starting college and could not afford to keep and take care of her horse. She asked us if we would take her. Frosty O Fox was the name of her beautiful white horse. Of course, we could not believe our luck and readily accepted.

Kathy proudly showed us all the great tricks Frosty could do. She was a very well-trained horse — she could even count! Kathy asked her, “Frosty, how old are you?” The horse replied by pawing her right hoof on the ground seven times. We were all duly impressed, until Kathy whispered to us, “Frosty is lying, she is actually 9 years old.”

Frosty lived with us for many years. We rode and enjoyed this beautiful animal until the end of her days. We’re very grateful to Kathy.
Ingrid Garver, Fort Collins
Poudre Valley REA consumer-member
My 3-year-old granddaughter was sitting on the sofa, crying with a box in hand. Her head was in the box. I asked her what she was doing with her head in the box. She said, “It’s my crying box.” She put the box down and started playing again. Approximately three hours later, she was crying again, but without the box. I asked, “What happened to your crying box?” She stopped crying, looked at me and said, “I forgot it.”
Linda K. Roskop, Kersey
Morgan County REA consumer-member
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